To enjoy shopping in Marmaris, holiday visitors need to be clued up and prepared. Vendors can be annoying, particularly in the bazaars, while there are a large number of fake designer goods on sale and many counterfeit products are of surprisingly good quality. Prices are low and haggling is expected, except in the larger stores. It's possible to knock about 30 percent off the asking price. Bearing all this in mind, Marmaris can be a shopper's delight, particularly for items like leather, ceramics, jewellery, and carpets. Best value goods are to be found in the Carsi Market in the Ottoman Castle, where 200-odd shops and a flea market are open seven days a week. The Thursday market is a colourful experience where locals sell fruit, vegetables, fabric, and clothing. Netsel Marina is a good place to find original designer clothing. 'Caam Ball' is a locally-produced pine-scented honey and is a popular souvenir. Duty free goods are also on offer.